This Town In Colorado Has The Punniest Road Signs Ever, And They’re Hilarious

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Looking for a good laugh? Well, it looks like Indian Hills Community Center in Colorado got us covered with their collection of funny and punny road signs. All credits should be given to the man behind the timely and hilarious puns, a local community center volunteer, the crafty pun master himself, Vince Rozmiarek.
It all started five years ago, when he put up a sign that raised more than an eyebrow in the area. Since Indian Hills has a heavy police presence in the nearby town of Morrison, and they run a lot of speed traps, the sign read “Indian Hills annexed by Morrison, slow down”.
To his surprise, way too many people fell for the prank, and almost everybody was talking about it at the time.
Since then, Vince has been crafting new signs a couple times a week, and he also throws in timely puns every once in a while, to keep up with the holidays and the current events. Clearly we all need a guy like Vince in our own community. As of now, we can all freely share a laugh through Vince’s collection of Indian Hills road sign puns that we’ve compiled below . Check out Indian Hills Community’s Facebook account for more and don’t forget to share the fun with your friends.
(h/t: boredpanda)









