A business card is an extension of your business that remains in the pocket of your potential client and will make him think of you whenever he sees it, for this reason it should always reflect your personality and skills.
Unfortunately business cards are often underrated and 99% of people use plain and simple cards.
The 30 business cards of this post are among the most creative ever made, and are designed to leave an indelible impression of you and your business in your client’s mind.
I personally love every single one of these. Which one is your favorite?
(h/t: boredpanda)
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1. Cheese grater business card
2. Bike mechanic business card
3. Personal trainer’s business card
4. Photographer’s viewfinder business card
5. Seed packet business card
6. Plumber’s business card
7. Creative hair dresser’s business card
8. Modular mini chair business card
9. Sommeliére’s business card
10. Lego agent’s business card
11. “Grill me” business card
12. Chigarette filter business card
13. Divorce lawyer’s business card (one side for him, one for her)
14. Another “bloomin'” designer’s business card
15. Buy/Sell investment Representative’s business card
16. Yoga center straw
17. Cosmetic surgeon’s business card
18. Dentist’s business card
19. Circumciser’s business card
20. Hair salon’s classic rock comb-business card (rub it with your fingernail and play it)
21. Transformable cargo business card/box
22. Restaurant salt shaker business card
23. Yoga mat business card
24. Personal trainer’s stretchable business card
25. Yoga trainer’s business card
26. Frame and accessories seller’s business card
27. Survival trainer’s business card made of dried meat
28. Mini tennis table business card
29. Stylish designer’s business card
30. Make-up artist’s business card
I would love to have such a creative business card for my business! Share these brilliant business cards with your friends by clicking the button below!