This Little Terrier Got A Rottweiler Pregnant, And You Really Have To See Their Puppies!

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Sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. This little West Highland terrier named Joey mated with a Rottweiler double its size named Zara.
Their unlikely romance produced a litter of 11 cross-breed puppies, which have been given the name “Wotties”.

Teresa Patterson, owner of the two dogs, didn’t know they had mated until the puppies were born:
“I was completely shocked, I didn’t think nature would let this happen but at some point it did. The puppies have a lovely temperament like their parents. They are high maintenance as they want attention all the time. One of the puppies, Sparkie, which our son is having, follows me everywhere I go. But this won’t happen again – Joey will be going to the vets soon.”

Now take a look to Joey and Zara’s puppies… This is what I call cuteness overload!

Here are Zara the Rottweiler and Joey the West Highland Terrier


And these 11 cute cross-breed puppies are their “Wotties”


The owner of the two dogs didn’t know the two dogs had mated until the puppies were born, and it was such a surprise for her.


“I was completely shocked, I didn’t think nature would let this happen but at some point it did.”


The puppies have a high temperament and want attention all the time.


“One of the puppies, Sparkie, which our son is having, follows me everywhere I go. But this won’t happen again – Joey will be going to the vets soon.”


This is another proof that love has no boundaries. Share this unlikely, adorable story with others by clicking the share button!