If you’ve ever owned a pet, you may have had the feeling that he somehow understands how you feel. That whenever you feel stressed or lonely, they are there and they care for you. Fortunately, Studies prove that this isn’t just a feeling, and they show that pets can pick up their owner’s emotional state and respond accordingly. Pets detect the distress their owners experience and are quick to offer sympathy and comfort. Like these pet owners who shared their furry friends’ behavior on Reddit. Their experiences prove that pets are the best friends that we need but don’t deserve.
1. “My fiance broke up with me a week before our wedding, leaving me pretty depressed. But after 14 years he’s never left my side. He’s my best friend.”
2. “I was feeling depressed and couldn’t bring myself to smile when I felt a nudge.”
3. “Cat trying to comfort me after a break up…at least that’s how it seemed.”
4. “My sick wife’s cough scares our dog, so he goes over to her side of the bed with every cough and offers a paw.”
5. “My mom just had a double knee surgery. Her pets have made it their responsibility to comfort her.”
6. “Wife has been sick. Our pups seem to know she isn’t feeling well…”
7. “My son wasn’t feeling well, so Cosmo came to the rescue.”
8. “My son is not feeling well, our cat (Simba) hasn’t left his side.”
9. “Went home sick yesterday, this was my feel better crew all afternoon.”
10. “My best friend trying to make me feel better.”
11. “I’m feeling a little under the weather and have spent all day in bed. This has been my company.”
12. “I had surgery a few years ago and stayed at my parents while I recovered. This is my rabbit and their kitten trying to make me feel better while I slept.”
13. “I was sad I didn’t win the lotto, but he doesn’t care about how much money I have.”
14. “Going on day four of bed rest in a hospital. Molly the therapy dog made my stay so much better!”