When This Orangutan Saw A Pregnant Woman’s Belly, He Reacted In The Sweetest Way Ever

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Orangutans are incredibly smart creatures, and have much more in common with humans than we’d expect.
Rajang is one of Colchester Zoo’s orangutans, and when he spotted a pregnant woman’s belly, he did something you’d never expect.

The woman tried to tell Rajang about her pregnancy, and as you can see from these images, he reacted in the sweetest way ever.

As soon as Rajang saw the woman’s belly he tried to kiss it through the glass pane.


Orangutans are incredibly compassionate animals, and can establish an strong bond with humans.


In this video you see the author of the video (and the woman’s partner) Jay Clarke, offering his belly to the orangutan, but all he got was a dirty look from Rajang.