Laura Mazza, writer of the blog Mum on the Run, had just the right amount of guts to share on the internet her embarrassing moment at the yoga class. Laura is recovering from muscle separation, an issue that moms commonly get after pregnancy. Yoga was, recommended to her by her doctor to kickstart a healthy lifestyle.
So she enrolled herself into yoga, she got in the first class, and little did she know it was going to be her last.
While she was enjoying cracks in her back through random yoga poses, some bad gas slipped out and it stank like a “punch in the nose”, as how she puts it. That’s just the beginning, read on to see how the story progresses, and get ready to shed a tear or two while laughing you heart out.
(h/t: scarymommy)
Mom Farts In Yoga Class, And The Hilarious Story Is So Embarrassing You Might Laugh And Cry At The Same Time
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