Hilarious Dog Facts You Certainly Didn’t Know

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21. Pit bulls have a false reputation for being physically aggressive. The truth is that they’re wildly immature, resulting in many an animal researcher to take offense and slander their breed.


22. When a wolf becomes the leader of the pack, he wears his fallen adversary to legitimize his reign


23. The soldiers in ‘Spaceballs’ were originally meant to be animals, but test audiences were already confused enough by John Candy dressing up like a furry


24. Beagles are actually the result of mating between bears and eagles, however most of the genes cancel out or don’t combine together. The resulting animal is the household pet we know today.


25. Pugs can grow over six feet tall, and develop a pattern on their fur resembling their own face, so as to appear even larger to potential predators


26. Far rarer than in the human population, dogs can have conjoined twins that go on to live happy, productive lives


27. Dogs who have owners that practice Taoism can find they will take on some of the philosophy as well. Especially the concept of yin and yang


28. Contrary to popular belief, wolves still wear sheep’s clothing. They just have it made into wool suits now.


29. Ghost-dogs must eat the souls of the innocent to regain their color


30. Contrary to popular belief cats and dogs can communicate but it’s only possible through interpretive dance


31. Dogs who spend too much time with humans are at an elevated risk of human diseases, for example this pupper has a bad case of kissin’ pox
