28 Times Teachers Had The Best Response For Their Students’ BS

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We have all been students, and we all agree it’s a hard job, but did you ever stop and ask yourself how hard it is to be a teacher?
Here are some of the best responses teachers ever gave their students’ BS, you will find some hilarious gems among them.

1. This teacher has a lot to endure

via: wordpress.com
via: wordpress.com

2. This teacher is so smart in an ironic way

via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com

3. This teacher has a lot to say

via: imgur.com
via: imgur.com

4. Simple as that

via: thechive.files.wordpress.com
via: thechive.files.wordpress.com

5. This teacher doesn’t like Comic Sans and unicorn poems

via: wordpress.com
via: wordpress.com

6. “Lasers are not voodoo”

via: sharenator.com
via: sharenator.com

7. Rule of thumb

via: rack.2.mshcdn.com
via: rack.2.mshcdn.com

8. This teacher makes you think in perspective

via: oddee.com
via: oddee.com

9. Imaginative messages

via: ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/
via: buzzfed.com

10. So honest it hurts

via: failblog.cheezburger.com
via: failblog.cheezburger.com