22 hilarious homework answers from brilliant kids. #12 made me laugh so hard, LOL!

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Remember when you were a kid and your teacher assigned you homework for the weekend? Obviously you were not happy about it, but you just had to get the job done before Monday.

The following kids approached their homework in a totally different way: some of them used their irreverent sense of humor, and even their teacher had a good laugh, some took things way too literally, and some others simply answered the tedious questions in the simplest way possible (literally!).

Anyway, the following 22 homework answers from kids have one thing in common: they are absolutely hilarious!

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1. Which is the best estimate for the length of a football?

via: nickmom.com
via: nickmom.com

2. Use your fingers, or copy from your friend

via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com

3. Draw your favorite part of the mass

via: imgur.com
via: imgur.com

4. After all, the math is right

via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com


via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com

6. We can’t blame him…

via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com

7. At least he’s a honest kid

via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com


via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com


via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com

10. How easy

via: reddit.com
via: reddit.com