Thinking about a new Halloween costume for a kid every year isn’t an easy task for parents, but having to dress up two twins is even more difficult.
The the bright side of this situation is that when you strike the right costume the results can be amazing.
In this post you can see 20 of the funniest costumes twin kids can wear at Halloween.
We are sure that many of these will give you a smile.
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Clark Kent and Superman
Winnie the Poo and Tigger
The Minions
Darth Vader and Yoda
UPS man and package
Peter Pan and shadow
Creepy twins
Two peas in a pod
Guns and Roses
Bambam and Pebbles
French fries and ketchup
Anne and Andy
PB & J
Dumb and Dumber
Salt and pepper
Mario and Luigi
Sushi and soy sauce
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