The trend of human creation has always been toward comfort and convenience. Think the farm, the wheel, the light, the internet. Civilization has evolved due as much to laziness as to intelligence and I daresay we owe the modern world the the self-indulgence of our predecessors.Divorced from the brilliance of Edison, however, this all-too-human tendency has inspired some laughable gadgets. Consider the following 20 inventions, and number 11 especially, as a case-in-point.
1. Candwich – A canned sandwich. Get it?
2. Take the tedium and unpredictability out of banana slicing.
3. A rough day solved in one gadget.
4. A new spin on the fork – now it twirls your pasta for you!
5. If number four made a mess, clean it up with your baby!
6. Rest your arms while you read. An invention long overdue, and I don’t mean the book!
7. Because, “Pets are wonderful. And filthy.” Side of Box
8. May your day be sweet and your sugar never settle.
9. The “Pour Thing,” so you needn’t say the same of your dominant arm.