Desperate Icelandic Woman Draws Map Instead Of Address, And Letter Actually Arrives At Destination

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Are you the kind of letter sender who refuses to send a letter without double or triple checking the address? Well, in an unusual yet effective way, a woman who desperately wanted to send a letter to its rightful recipient but didn’t know the address has done it in a way nobody in the history of Iceland has perhaps ever recorded. This woman only sent mail to Búðardalur, Iceland with a drawn map sufficing the written address! Believe it or not, with the description written, the mailman had easily located the place and delivered it on to the right receiver. That’s the best postal service ever.
(h/t: mymodernmet, reddit)

Here is the envelope with the hand-written address

Desperate Icelandic Woman Draws Map Instead Of Address, And Letter Actually Arrived At Destination

Name: a horse farm with and Icelandic/Danish couple and 3 kids and a lot of sheep

Desperate Icelandic Woman Draws Map Instead Of Address, And Letter Actually Arrived At Destination

This map was drawn instead of the address

Desperate Icelandic Woman Draws Map Instead Of Address, And Letter Actually Arrived At Destination

Just to be sure, she wrote also the woman’s occupation

Desperate Icelandic Woman Draws Map Instead Of Address, And Letter Actually Arrived At Destination