This Japanese artist is literally unzipping the world

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Jun Kitagawa is a Japanese artist famous for her “out of the box” way of thinking.

Jun became an artist almost by accident: she had an inventory of t-shirt that wouldn’t sell, so she decided to go around town and cover up nude statues. This was her first act as a street artist, perfectly walking the line between vandalism and public service.

In this post we want to show you her work “Zippers”, a series of giant zip sculptures she installed around Japan in places like ponds, walls, floors and other public spaces.

This series’ aim is to give viewers a more intimate look into the world we live everyday, by using an object familiar to everyone.
We liked the idea a lot here at Just Something.
If you liked it too, take a look at Jun Kitagawa’s official website:

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(via designgarage)






