30 Cute Newfoundland Puppies That Are Actually Giants In The Making Share this post on FB: Share 11. Our tired guy after trying to save everyone in the lake. reddit.com 12. She’s been home for a couple days now and I’m smitten. reddit.com 13. The best cuddle buddy there is. reddit.com 14. They grow up way too fast. reddit.com 15. Been at college away from this guy, seeing him next weekend and I can’t wait. reddit.com 16. Meet Franklin, 4 months old and just over 40lbs. reddit.com 17. Spent the morning at the brewery and I think he liked it. reddit.com 18. Being a good boy. reddit.com 19. Meet Tuffy! reddit.com 20. Sometimes working from home with an 11 week old wanting attention is hard. reddit.com Page 2 of 3Previous 123Next