Wes Naman is an Albuquerque based photographer and he is the mind behind the brilliant concept of his photo series Scotch Tape, where the subjects’ faces have been hilariously distorted wrapping some scotch tape on them.
All the subjects you see in this photo series are Wes’ friends and relatives, who have been recruited to participate to the creation of this funny yet creative work. He says he got the idea after applying tape to himself during a lighting test.
Needless to say that no Photoshop has been used in order to create this effect: Wes states that it never takes more to 10 minute to obtain good results wrapping somebody’s face in scotch tape.
This is without any doubt an easy but effective way to take some really creative portrait.
See more of Wes Namn’s work on his official website wesnamanphotography.com or on his Facebook page.
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