22 Times The World Has Been Way More Clever Than Than We Expected

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The world has seen many inventions and innovations over the years, and we are just getting started. From graphic design and literature, to science and engineering, we see new ideas spring up from all parts of the world. It takes one small idea to complete a project and make a big impact on other people’s lives. Creativity can come from the most unexpected places, and we can clearly see that in the photos below. Check out these amazing instances when humans won the lottery for creativity and made the world a better place.
(h/t: buzzfeed)

1. A clever way for salespersons to know whether a customer needs assistance:

via: reddit.com

2. A toothpick that comes with a spork:

3. A multi-functional bench that can be altered according to your needs:

via: reddit.com

4. Elevator buttons that can be operated with your foot in case your hands are busy:

via: reddit.com

5. Coffee art inspired by Dali’s famous work:

via: reddit.com

6. Clever roadsign:

via: reddit.com

7. Musical doorbell:

via: reddit.com

8. Technology to show us what historical sites used to look like:

via: reddit.com